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What Homeowners Should Know About Solar Panels

Increasing energy costs are spurring more homeowners to go solar, but an abundance of choices in the field can make the decision daunting. Help homeowners weigh the options with these considerations.


In recent years, panels have become more efficient, thinner, and better looking, thanks to monocrystalline designs that use a single photovoltaic cell rather than several cells that the older polycrystalline designs relied on. As a result, the updated panels can occupy less roof space because they pack in more power. The number of panels installed is generally based on the amount of electricity occupants use, which is why an installer often asks for 12 months of electric bills. Installers also need to know local ordinances.


Extra energy can be stored in batteries. Different solar panel manufacturers prefer different battery companies.


Installation costs have dropped as more installers have entered the niche and become more experienced. Besides the modules and batteries, homeowners who go solar need an inverter to hold panels, wiring in place, and a meter.

Costs and return on investment

A typical panel system might run between $15,000 and $25,000, which includes ancillary equipment and labor. Yearly savings vary greatly depending on the utility and if it offers incentives. The good news is that a typical warranty lasts a long time. How much money is saved also depends on how a purchase is made.

September 30, 2021.Realtor Magazine. What Homeowners Should Know About Solar Panels.

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