Actions You Can Take to Help Close the Racial Ownership Gap
A long history of discriminatory real estate practices—including past policies held by REALTOR® organizations—has made it difficult for people of color to break into homeownership. Real estate professionals today are in a key position to help undo some of that harm and lead cultural change around housing.
Find out how you can be part of changing the ownership gap.
Report violations.
Many real estate professionals don’t know how to report fair housing violations or discrimination complaints that they witness. Don’t let slide situations you know about, like a fellow agent refusing to show a house to a person of color, because this continues to perpetuate if you don’t report it. Any violations can be reported to the HUD Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. Also, violations committed by real estate pros should be reported to local REALTOR® associations for accountability.
Build awareness.
Be aware of the inequities and inequalities, and acknowledge that it happens so we can start doing something about it. Embrace diversity and learn about cultural differences to build on that awareness. Further, implement consistent practices and policies for showings and listing presentations to avoid unconscious bias.