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Our Ultimate Negotiating Secrets

A lot of people don’t take the time to learn about negotiating and instead, take it for granted. Realtors who take the time to learn about negotiating, dealing with the stresses, and staying calm are the ones that tend to be the most successful at it.

Here we share some of our Negotiating Secrets to help you:

1. Be calm, yet assertive

Be calm because it does not benefit either participant to upset the communication with escalated emotions and equally important is to be assertive about staying on track toward getting a ‘meeting of the minds’ and a fair deal done for both the buyer and seller. Buying and selling real estate for our customers is business; it’s not personal. So, check emotions at the door and be professional.

2. Back it up with facts

The best negotiating tip is always to be prepared with all the facts and figures that you can get. There is no excuse for coming unprepared. You can fully explain your side and then ask the opposing party to present theirs to support their position. Once you have all the facts from both parties, you then attempt to create a ‘win-win’ situation.

3. Listen closely

The No. 1 piece of advice to pass along to agents is to listen. It all starts there. Then, you have to remove the personal feelings and keep it professional.

4. Put yourself in their shoes

Have the sellers put on the buyer’s shoes, and vice versa. By gaining a different perspective, each side tends to back down on their demands to a point where the terms are mutually agreeable.

4. Visualize

Create a compelling positive vision by having the client — the buyer or seller — imagine moving on, and what his life will be like when he has.

5. Put yourself in their shoes

Have the sellers put on the buyer’s shoes, and vice versa. By gaining a different perspective, each side tends to back down on their demands to a point where the terms are mutually agreeable.

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